R 18 Transcontinental Mileage
The ARAI claimed mileage of BMW R 18 Transcontinental is 17.24 kmpl. This is the claimed mileage for all variants.
Fuel Type | ARAI Mileage | Year |
Petrol | 17.24 kmpl |
Monthly Fuel Cost Calculator for BMW R 18 Transcontinental
KM driven per day20 km/day
Monthly fuel costRs.0* / month
* Calculated at Rs. / Ltr on km / Ltr
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- Rs.27.40 - 31.14 Lakh*Mileage: 13.2 kmpl
Mileage User Reviews for BMW R 18 Transcontinental
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- The overall the bike hasThe bike provides excellent comfort overall, thanks to the impressive engineering of BMW, in which they have balanced the bike so well that you don't feel its weight on the move, the looks and the street presents may intermediate but once on the saddle it's is very friendly . The Marshall speakers offer decent bass and surprising loudness, which is particularly impressive given the condition of India's roads. The sound quality is clear, with great vocals and music. The 10.2-inch infotainment screen provides a high level of detail and clarity. However, the bike does have a few disadvantages when it comes to maneuvering in city traffic and making u-turns. Nevertheless, having a reverse gear on a bike weighing over 300kg is a great advantage, and we have. Chears to BMW for such a bike.Read MoreWas this review helpful?2
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BMW R 18 Transcontinental Mileage FAQs
Q) What is the average of BMW R 18 Transcontinental?
A) According to ARAI, the BMW R 18 Transcontinental has a fuel efficiency of 17.24 kmpl.
Q) What is the monthly fuel cost for BMW R 18 Transcontinental?
A) Assuming a fuel price of 100 per liter and an average monthly distance traveled of 500 KM, the monthly fuel cost for BMW R 18 Transcontinental is Rs 2941.
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