Local Production to Cut Hyosung GT250R Prices by Rs 1 Lakh
Hyosung, the Korean multinational two wheeler manufacturer in collaboration with DSK Motorwheels - its new owner, recently pitched in its first ever motorcycle in India - Hyosung GT250R. The launch of this Hyosung GT250R came with a promising announcement by the Director of DSK Motorwheels, Mr. Shirish Kulkarni who said that the company was looking forward to set up a local production plant in India for the newly launched Hyosung GT 250R. With an investment of Rs. 300 crore raised completely by equity, this localisation will likely reduce the post-production price of the Hyosung GT250R from Rs. 2.75 lakh to Rs. 1.5-1.75 lakh. The site for the new production plant is yet to be decided but it is likely to come up and begin production in the next 18 months.
At the on-road price of Rs. 3.10 lakh for the Hyosung GT250R, the company aims to sell as many as 3000 units per year. What is to be seen is whether the buyer prefers to buy the Hyosung GT250R at this price or decides to invest another Rs. 1.2 lakh and buy a Hyosung GT650N instead. However, with localisation and subsequent decrease in price the GT250R may prove to be the bike of choice. The Hyosung collection of 600cc + superbikes have seen the light of glory owing to the assailing costing.
Two other awaited launches by the DSK Motorwheels are the Hyosung GV250 and Hyosung GV650 that are expected in the next 8 months. These two cruisers promise to be fun for the experienced riders and safe and easy for the beginners. Bike lovers will also vigilantly await the naked version of GT250 which may be available only the next year. Costing around Rs. 50000 less than the GT250R, the GT250 supplemented with the additional benefit of local production will surely be a threat to the KTM Duke 200.
Naveen Soni