GSX-8R Mileage
The ARAI claimed mileage of Suzuki gsr 8r is 25 kmpl. This is the claimed mileage for all variants.
Fuel Type | ARAI Mileage | Year |
Petrol | 25 kmpl |
Monthly Fuel Cost Calculator for Suzuki gsr 8r
KM driven per day20 km/day
Monthly fuel costRs.0* / month
* Calculated at Rs. / Ltr on km / Ltr
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- This weekly is good forThis weekly is good for all people to use in the daily life and also able to do all the works the bike is comfortableWas this review helpful?
- Strong nbikeBest thimg of this machine is, durability and strong body. Suzuki always made strong bike's and this is one of them.Was this review helpful?
- Best bike with less cost of maintainanceBike with good power and gives good average and its capacity of moving forward riders soul is bikeWas this review helpful?
- This bike amazed meBest bike in this price range and throwback of the bike is insane. I feel this is better than ninja 600 which also touch the same price rangeWas this review helpful?1
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Suzuki gsr 8r Mileage FAQs
Q) What is the average of Suzuki gsr 8r?
A) According to ARAI, the Suzuki gsr 8r has a fuel efficiency of 25 kmpl.
Q) What is the monthly fuel cost for Suzuki gsr 8r?
A) Assuming a fuel price of 100 per liter and an average monthly distance traveled of 500 KM, the monthly fuel cost for Suzuki gsr 8r is Rs 2000.
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