The Queen price in Delhi is Rs 46,800 (ex-showroom). You can also check on-road
price (which includes ex-showroom price + RTO charges + Insurance and other costs) of the Queen in Delhi. You can also get Queen at Rs/month at Rate Of Interest of upto 9.7%%. The top rivals for the Queen are
Avon e Scoot starting at Rs 45,000,
Yulu Wynn starting at Rs 55,555,
Komaki XOne starting at Rs 35,999 - 59,999,
Zelio Gracy i starting at Rs 56,825 - 82,273.View all Warivo Motors scooters Price in your city.
Warivo Motors Queen On Road Price List in Delhi (Variants)
Warivo Motor Queen STD | Rs. 46,800 |