5 Things To Know About Synthetic Oil
Modified On Jan 14, 2025 By Nabeel Khan
Synthetic motor oils have always been an issue of debate among motorist around the world. While some prefer and use the new age synthetic oils, others still stick with the old school natural oils. To be honest, under normal circumstances and climate, both the oils work perfectly well but the synthetic oil works just a little better. To understand this statement, we need to understand the concept of synthetic oil.
Synthetic oil is just the natural oil which is processed with advanced engineering techniques and has a few additives which are specifically engineered to perform in the engine of your motor. So, a synthetic oil does all the duties of a regular natural motor oil PLUS extra work to keep the engine slag free and help it work in extreme climates. These oils are specifically designed to counter the problems which were faced in the use of natural oil.
Here are 5 things you need to know about synthetic oils
1. Synthetic oils are natural oils which are processed through a special engineered process which gives them certain special properties to act as motor oil. They contain molecular additives which allow them to perform better under harsh conditions. Synthetic oils are specifically designed to work under extreme conditions like in sub zero climate and in the raging heat of the high performance racing engines. The Additives also work to keep the engine slag free which increases the life and performance.
2. Shifting between natural oil and synthetic oil does not require any special procedure. Both the oils are homogeneous with each other and any mixing of the 2 will not cause any problems. You can also top up a natural oil with a synthetic oil and vice versa.
3. Synthetic oils do not cause any leaks in the engine or the oil lines. Certain customers complain that their bike started leaking oil after they switched to synthetic oil, that is because the new oil has a lower viscosity so it drains easily through the already prevailing cracks in the linings.
4. Synthetic motor oils are not uniform. Each engine uses a separate grade of engine oil. Using a different standard oil may result in poor performance and even wear and tear of the engine. Many motorcycle manufacturers are now selling bikes with synthetic oil in them. Make sure you follow the correct specifications while changing or filling up the engine oil.
5. Synthetic oils come with grades, for example 5W - 30
a) 5 here stands for the viscosity grade when the engine is cold
b) W simply stands for winter to denote the minimum temperature of the engine
c) 30 is the viscosity grade of the oil at operating temperature
The lower the W number, the better the oil will perform under cold conditions.