The ARAI claimed mileage of Benelli TRK 502 is 30.16 kmpl. This is the claimed mileage for all variants.
Fuel Type | ARAI Mileage | Year |
Petrol | 30.16 kmpl |
Below are the user reported mileage, who owns the bike.
Fuel Type | *Highway Mileage | *City Mileage | Year |
Petrol | 33.77 kmpl | 30.16 kmpl |
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Mileage User Reviews for Benelli TRK 502
- Best off-roader.
It's a really nice adventure tourer bike available in India at a low cost, but the maintenance cost is really high. But almost the bike is really good mileage and performance is also good.Read More
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Q&A on Benelli TRK 502
A) Exchange of a vehicle would depend on certain factors such as kilometres driven...Read More
A) The BS6 TRK 502 features a new top rack design made from cast rather than bent ...Read More
A) The TRK 502 continue to use the same trellis frame with USD forks and a mono-...Read More
A) Benelli TRK 502 BS6 gets a white backlight for better night visibility with an ...Read More
A) As of now, there is no official update from the brand's end. Stay tuned for ...Read More