42 FJ Mileage
The ARAI claimed mileage of Jawa 42 FJ is 32 kmpl. This is the claimed mileage for all variants.
Fuel Type | ARAI Mileage | Year |
Petrol | 32 kmpl |
Monthly Fuel Cost Calculator for Jawa 42 FJ
KM driven per day20 km/day
Monthly fuel costRs.0* / month
* Calculated at Rs. / Ltr on km / Ltr
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- Jawa 42 fjRecently took a test ride of this bikes Bike power is just fabulous.Look is awsome.Little bit concern about the mileage.Riding confirt is good.Was this review helpful?2
- I have been riding Java 42 FJI have been riding Java 42 FJ since two weeks and majority in city rides.Got mileage above 27 kmpl.Feel good power while crucing.For rear seat require back rest.Was this review helpful?5 1
- Worth it!!I've been riding the java fj 42 for a few months, and its quite good overall. The retro look is a head Turner, and the build quality feels solid. The 293cc engine is smooth, good for city riders and occasional long trips. But the mileage is bit low 30-35 plus, finding the service centres and parts are hassle in some areas. The seat also gets uncomfortable in long riders. Overall is your want a stylish retro bike and aren't too worried about fuel efficiency, the jawa 42 fj is worth it!!!Read MoreWas this review helpful?1 8
- Best jawa bikeBest bike in this range Good looking Best mileage All best inside Best feature For college boys Double silencer Good BestWas this review helpful?1 1
- Best bike in 2024Good looking bike. My favourite bike jawa 42Fj.this bike good mileage.best safety, good features and styles. Best comfort. Performance is very good.Was this review helpful?
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Jawa 42 FJ Mileage FAQs
Q) What is the average of Jawa 42 FJ?
A) According to ARAI, the Jawa 42 FJ has a fuel efficiency of 32 kmpl.
Q) What is the monthly fuel cost for Jawa 42 FJ?
A) Assuming a fuel price of 100 per liter and an average monthly distance traveled of 500 KM, the monthly fuel cost for Jawa 42 FJ is Rs 1563.
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