Multistrada V4 Mileage
The ARAI claimed mileage of Ducati Multistrada V4 is 13.6 kmpl. This is the claimed mileage for all variants.
Fuel Type | ARAI Mileage | Year |
Petrol | 13.6 kmpl |
Monthly Fuel Cost Calculator for Ducati Multistrada V4
KM driven per day20 km/day
Monthly fuel costRs.0* / month
* Calculated at Rs. / Ltr on km / Ltr
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- Nice BikeIt's superb! The acceleration is impressive, and it has a nice look. The pickup is excellent. It is definitely worth buying if you appreciate its specs and looks.Was this review helpful?
- The Ducati MultistradaThe Ducati Multistrada is an adventure touring bike, which has a lot of features. The power of this bike is amazing, but the maintenance cost is very high and it is not an economical bike.Read MoreWas this review helpful?1 1
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Ducati Multistrada V4 Mileage FAQs
Q) What is the average of Ducati Multistrada V4?
A) According to ARAI, the Ducati Multistrada V4 has a fuel efficiency of 13.6 kmpl.
Q) What is the monthly fuel cost for Ducati Multistrada V4?
A) Assuming a fuel price of 100 per liter and an average monthly distance traveled of 500 KM, the monthly fuel cost for Ducati Multistrada V4 is Rs 3846.
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